These are the pieces of my soul –
Love permeates my entire being,
A fragrant scent magnanimously shared.
My possessive nature tends to mutate
Into jealousy, ruining relationships.
Kindness exudes from me as if
From a bottomless well of compassion.
Anger is bottled up tight; sealed solidly.
Generosity is a weakness others exploit.
Guilt is an essential part of my being – a plague.
Empathy washes over me in drowning waves.
Regret hounds me, remorse nips at my heels –
Contrition seems hypocritical, shallow.
Doubt clouds my potential, fear shackles me.
Reverence for the Almighty offers solace.
Humility nullifies my conceit, renders it to ash.
Humour festoons myriad moments with mirth.
Sorrow erodes my strength in imperceptible nibbles.
Resolute resolve; anguished actions; shameful sins.
These are the pieces of my soul…
Contradictory… and paradoxically unique.
Image: Evie S. (