Latest publication By Hidayat Adams
An anthology of short stories
This unique collection of short stories offers tales each exactly 500 words in length.
Discover the steel in meek Rose, journey into the Afterlife and back, fight alongside a young soldier on an alien planet, face the end of the world at the side of an Avenging Angel, share in the sorrow of losing a child…
Each tale will inspire, excite and entertain you!

Hidayat Adams
Hidayat Adams was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa in the suburb of Grassy Park. At an early age, he fell in love with reading, especially comic books and mystery novels such as The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. His love for reading and books eventually led him to the path of becoming an English teacher, a career he feels he was born to follow. As he so often quips, “I was born to teach, as my name means ‘guidance’ or ‘instruction’.”
Latest Updates
Writing Poetry…
Why do we write poetry? Are there particular rules or structures to follow when we write a poem? I feel we write poetry as an artistic expression of our emotions about a particular event, theme, person, or time. Poetry allows us to unburden our souls or find comfort...
College of Cape Town Poetry Competition 2023 Shortlisted Poems
CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who have made it to the shortlist of the Poetry Competition! It was not an easy task to select only eight poems from the 26 that were entered, but from these eight poems we will have our two winners and runners-up. Don't forget to...
College of Cape Town Poetry Competition 2023 Longlisted Poems
A poem expresses emotions, touches the heart, speaks to the soul, and inspires the imagination. Poetry is not easy to write. It takes talent and skill to create specific images, or word pictures, and to express emotions about a particular theme. It is very unlike...
The Better Man
“I regret nothing. Warren deserved the thrashing I gave him,” I tell Carmen. I’m bristling with righteous fury. “Oh, so losing your job was worth the fight?” Carmen asks, staring me down. She knows me too well, but I won’t allow her to gloat. “Hey, I was tired of...
Cheating is no fun…
I had always been awkward to the point of comedic. Not that I actively went out of my way to be funny, mind you. It was simply my low self-esteem combined with my implicit belief that I was ugly – I detested the huge blob of a nose I had inherited from daddy dearest –...
The Traveller (A 500-word short story)
Nick reached the peak of the mountain he had been sauntering up for most of the day just as the sun dipped below the horizon. The glorious hue of reddish-rose struck through with lighter tones of streaking yellow snatched his breath away. “Beautiful!” Nick exclaimed,...
The Quality of Gratitude
Joanne considered her options for supper: chicken soup with garlic bread, beef vegetable casserole with fluffy white rice, or some crumbed chicken fillet filled with pepper sauce? The thirty-two-year old college lecturer rolled her eyes heavenward as she struggled to...
Warrior Princess
Zarina’s green eyes blazed in fury. No, it was righteous wrath. “You dared break a sacred promise, one you swore to uphold upon penalty of death, Hamed? How could you sell your vow for a mere handful of dirhams?” she demanded to know. Hamed held himself very still,...
The Fiend
“When was the first time you became aware of what you claim is a ‘presence’?” I asked Tania. Her drawn face was framed by a black bob haircut, incidentally making her appear younger than her forty-two years. Although she had had two children already – a boy of seven...
Odiferous Clouds
Nero’s deep slumber was abruptly and unceremoniously wrecked by a most distinctly redolent aroma. The Siamese cat raised his head slightly from Beulah’s luxuriously comfortable lap. “Oops, I beg your pardon, Nero,” Beulah apologised to the feline, her cheeks burning...