Latest publication By Hidayat Adams


An anthology of short stories

This unique collection of short stories offers tales each exactly 500 words in length.

Discover the steel in meek Rose, journey into the Afterlife and back, fight alongside a young soldier on an alien planet, face the end of the world at the side of an Avenging Angel, share in the sorrow of losing a child…

Each tale will inspire, excite and entertain you!



Hidayat Adams

Hidayat Adams was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa in the suburb of Grassy Park. At an early age, he fell in love with reading, especially comic books and mystery novels such as The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. His love for reading and books eventually led him to the path of becoming an English teacher, a career he feels he was born to follow. As he so often quips, “I was born to teach, as my name means ‘guidance’ or ‘instruction’.”

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The House

The House

Ronelle was smitten with it the minute she and Leonard pulled up into its driveway. Because the house was nestled snugly between two towering, thriving oaks covered in shiny, green leaves, set slightly back from the road, the couple hadn’t been able to get a full view...

Light Warrior (being the sequel to “Lightbringer”)

Light Warrior (being the sequel to “Lightbringer”)

Leonora was livid with fury. “Keisha grabbed at a straw, Minister, and he has no power whatsoever to change the course of this war,” she nearly spat out her words, only remembering at the last second to adopt a subservient tone. Minister Prete had killed others for...



An icy breeze cut straight through Cole’s jacket. He glanced down from the top of the lighthouse at the surf pounding the beach. A strange, prescient sensation wrapped itself tightly around the black, lanky twenty-six-year old, as if trying to dispel the physical cold...



Gavin stared at the scrap of paper as if it were a slice of gold. He looked around furtively to ascertain if anybody else in the Funds Office happened to be looking at him, but nobody was paying him any attention. Gavin failed to see Justin staring at him with a deep...

The Crush

The Crush

Danté fell instantly for Joshua the minute he walked into the seminar venue. His fair skin only accentuated the mole perched slightly above the left corner of his kiss-me-please pink upper lip. Danté’s knees turned to wobbly jelly when Joshua smiled at the group; it...

The Apple Tree

The Apple Tree

I am careful to sneak very discreetly into the apple orchard. Although I had been visiting the gardens for about six years now, since I was eleven years old and had run away from my abusive stepmom and her endless stream of lovers, many of whom thought I came with the...



The wind was a beast determined to invade the small house Dan had constructed about eight years ago on the shores of a remote mountain lake. Finding the spot with all the materials he would need readily available within nature was pure serendipity. It was also exactly...

The Invasion

The Invasion

The Red Army was rapidly gaining ground. Although the soldiers of the Black Army were throwing themselves in battle-crazed, mindless charges against them, the Red Army soldiers were inexorably nearing their goal: to replenish their rapidly dwindling slave numbers. It...



Forty-two-year-old Brenda revelled in the delight of vilifying neighbours and spreading scandalous rumours. Her latest target was the oh-so-fresh-faced intern, Mary-Ann. “What a pretentious name,” Brenda thought uncharitably when Marcus, the Overseas Department...

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